Which is right and left od and os
Which is right and left od and os

And a woman with one chronic pain condition is at increased risk for other types of chronic pain. Problems may include infection, inflammation, or conditions such as endometriosis. In many cases, pelvic pain indicates a problem with one or more of the organs in the pelvic area, such as the uterus, vagina, intestine, bladder or from musculoskeletal sources. A woman’s pelvic pain may result from multiple causes occurring all at the same time. There are many possible causes of pelvic pain, and it may be difficult to figure out the specific cause or causes 5).

which is right and left od and os

This condition is a common reason why women seek medical care 4). Pelvic pain is chronic if it lasts for more than 6 months and affects a woman’s quality of life 3). This region includes the lower stomach, lower back, buttocks, and genital area 2). Pelvic pain is a general term used to describe pain that occurs mostly or only in the region below a woman’s belly button. Pain in the uterus area (uterus pain) is commonly called pelvic pain – which is pain in the lowest part of your abdomen and pelvis 1).

  • Adenomyosis (endometrial tissue grown into the uterine wall).
  • which is right and left od and os

    Reproductive-aged women who are pregnant or attempting pregnancy.How Do Doctors Narrow the Diagnosis to Focus on Important Common Conditions of Pelvic Pain ?.Can alternative therapies treat your pelvic pain ?.

    which is right and left od and os

    Can pelvic pain affect your ability to become pregnant ?.Can there be more than one reason for your pain ?.Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome.

    Which is right and left od and os